Simple Linux/BSD service monitoring script

Here's a simple script to monitor the status of a service via a normal control script such as /etc/init.d/varnishd as commonly found under Linux and BSD based systems .. it should be super simple to modify for most other types of systems, such as systemctl.

Just configure, place somewhere on the server, and set a crontab line to run it every now and then.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# ----- ------------- ----- #
# ----- CONFIGURATION ----- #
# ----- ------------- ----- #

# Path to control script (usually in rc.d or init.d)

# Who should get crash notifications
EMAIL_RECIPIENT="[email protected]"

# Subject of the crash notification
EMAIL_SUBJECT="${SERVICED} crash detected"

# ----- ------------ ----- #
# ----- SCRIPT LOGIC ----- #
# ----- ------------ ----- #

# Check status
"${SERVICED}" status > /dev/null 2>&1

# Exit code will be 1 if varnish is not running
if [ $service_status -eq 1 ]; then

    service_start_message=$("${SERVICED}" start 2>&1)

    host=$(uname -n)

    email_message="Service ${SERVICED} seems to have crashed on host ${host}.


Messages from trying to restart it:

    # Send email
    echo "${email_message}" | mail -s"${EMAIL_SUBJECT}" "${EMAIL_RECIPIENT}"
